In our lives, knowing the people who matter most to us is more important than anything else. Even though there aren’t many of these people, they have a huge impact on our lives. There is no doubt that we improve not only our own life but also the lives of those around us if we are able to better understand their thoughts and ideas. Its an obvious fact that we can get what we need in life exclusively by the legitimate comprehension of individuals. Understanding our loved ones is the only way to bring peace and happiness to our personal lives. In our professional lives, only by fully comprehending them can we inspire our coworkers and teams to achieve the organization’s objectives.

However, the most challenging skill to acquire in real life is the ability to relate to others. No school or college teaches this knowledge. Our understanding of man as a result of the scholarly information contained in books about religion, culture, psychology, management, and other subjects. fails to assist us in comprehending real-life individuals. When every person is unique and every theory is unique, which theory should be applied to a person? Because every atom, every molecule, and every material behaves the same way, the material domain makes it much simpler to apply theories. How do you deal with man when each person is unique and no two are alike?

When a person is too important to you, knowing them solely in terms of probability or statistic is useless. You can’t be happy to learn that he is 56% more likely to fail an exam if you yell at him. However, the child’s likelihood of poor performance increases to 60% if you do not discipline him. You won’t be able to use either option with the assistance of these studies. Because you want your child to get better, you are afraid to use either option. There are not thousands of children for which a statistical probability can be relied upon. After all, the probability of failure in the first scenario is 44%, while it is 40% in the second scenario. You only have one child, but you want him to get better. You don’t want a random solution; you want the right one.

Knowing the other person as well as oneself is the key to solving all of our issues. If that is possible, then you can almost guarantee that you will achieve your goal. Are there truly such techniques for knowing an individual so totally?

One Person, Four Characteristics We all wear multiple hats throughout our lives. Despite our simplicity, we are the most complex human being. What do we do?

We are an alternate individual at our home. Our home is so uncomplicated that even our child is familiar with us. We become a child ourselves as we play games with them and enjoy them. Our children, souse, parents, and even our dogs do not appear to be influenced by our education, profession, or knowledge. They appear to all be very familiar with us.

With our friends, we have different personalities. They also know us well. We all know what our friends think. The friend is older; the better our comprehension of him is, Companions know our character as well as they become the necessary piece of our character. After all, “a man is known by the company he keeps” is a wise saying. In this way, your companions are many times a nearby refection of your character.

However we are very unique on our work. When he or she does his job, the same person changes. As a police officer, philosopher, teacher, politician, or sweeper, we are completely different people. Our work influences both our actions and our thoughts. There is an extraordinary comparability in all individuals of comparative calling. Similar characteristics characterize all teachers and all police officers.

Last but not least, we are a part of society, the nation, and the world. We are impacted by all that is going on anyplace in the general public or the world. A man from India is unique from one from China or the United States. A man of the twenty-first century is distinct from one of the tenth.

However, man is more than just a physical being with a body; he also has a mind, a soul, and a spirit. Knowing a person’s body, mind, soul, and spirit is the only way to understand their entire personality. Since he has become your extended Self due to the presence of the same spirit, there is nothing left in him once you know all four. There are four steps that must be taken in order to comprehend these four characteristics of man.

The Actual Self

The body of the individual is the clearest portrayal of their character. As an animal, the body represents a person’s physical self as well as their basic instincts or natural instincts. The person’s sex is the first thing that makes a difference in their body. The collections of the guys and females are just about as various as their essential impulse. Male and female primal instincts are remarkably similar worldwide. Therefore, if you know one, you know all. The person’s unadulterated passion or sensual desire is the second important thing that the body represents. A man whose passion was out of control would have a body that was out of control, fat, and disproportionate, whereas a man who was disciplined and in control of his desire would have a body that was fitter and more proportionate. The person’s natural personality is also reflected in the way the body and limbs move. This is commonly referred to as “body language.” A peaceful person would have a peaceful body, just as a restless person must have a restless body.

The Mental Self A person’s mind is the most significant aspect of his professional life. The education and experiences a person has had throughout his or her life shape the person’s mind. Because everything influences a person’s mind, one can learn about a person’s mind from their education, work, and professional experiences. The psyche of the individual is the wellspring of the explanation and rationale utilized by the individual to associate with the world. In the course of conversation and communication, one can also learn about the other person’s mind by watching how he or she responds to your arguments and logic.

The Intellectual Self The mind, body, and senses appear to be separate from one another. Estimating these properties of human character by reasonable instruments and tests is likewise conceivable. However, the person’s Soul, which is a representation of their intelligence, exerts control over them all.

The individual’s mind and body are constantly evolving. A person may be content in one moment and anxious in the next. A person may be active one moment and then become inactive a few seconds later due to illness, hunger, or exhaustion. As a result, if we only know about the person’s physical and mental self, our assessment may be completely incorrect. We must comprehend the unchanging force that drives the mind and body.

In the following phrases, the relationship between the body, senses, mind, Individual Intelligence (Soul), and Universal Intelligence (God) is explained in Gita (III 42-43).
The body is inferior to the senses. The mind, the soul (individual intelligence), and God (universal intelligence) are all higher than the senses.

Because the intelligence self of a person changes little over time, it is crucial to understand it. Intelligence, which governs the mind and body, is like a tree: one can identify it by its fruits. A person’s core (intelligence) is also evil if they speak evil for everyone. Jesus stated in Matthew 7: 15-20) “Beware of false prophets who appear to be sheep but are actually hungry wolves underneath.” You can identify them by their fruits. Do grapes and figs come from thistles, or do they come from thorn bushes? Just so, good fruit comes from good trees, and bad fruit comes from bad trees. A rotten tree cannot produce good fruit, and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit. Every tree that does not produce fruit of high quality will be felled and burned. You’ll know them by their fruits.”
Intelligence is a measure of a person’s true nature. The intelligence self has complete control over the body and mind. The mind and body can be used for good or ill by intelligence, just as a fire can be used to cook food or burn people. Using our own intelligence and reasoning, we must synthesize the various personality traits and behaviors of the person to comprehend their intelligence.

The Spiritual Self According to religious and philosophical traditions, every living thing possesses the spark of God or Spirit. Because everyone is connected by this spirit’s common thread, no one is separate from other beings. We share the same spirit, which is why we weep when we witness misery and rejoice when we spread happiness to others. We connect with the outside world, enjoy life, and experience pain or pleasure because of our spiritual selves.

The non-material aspect of a person’s personality is their spiritual self. When there are no material rewards or punishments for our actions, it is best known to our loved ones. Being nice or mean to your children, wife, parents, and elders in your home does not result in rewards or punishments. However, the bitterness of all our joy and suffering is the spiritual self’s expression.

As a result, a spiritual person places a high value on the non-material aspects of life and looks for happiness in selfless pursuits. We are all spiritual to some extent, but without it, we will never be happy in life. Your computer or lathe machine will never be happy if you give it a billion dollars. Only a man can be content even with wealth because he can give it to others selflessly, which makes both him and others happy.

Intuition alone suffices to comprehend the spiritual self; no knowledge or reasoning is required. It is comparable to a child’s or dog’s relationship with their parents or master. The presence of contentment, love, and peace is a mark of spirituality. Therefore, if you meet someone who makes you feel happier, more loving, and peaceful, that person must be highly spiritual. As a result, you can anticipate such a person’s assistance and compassion. If the sensation is different, you have met a materialistic and devilish person who can only benefit financially from your suffering or take pleasure in it.

The Complete Understanding of a Person Understanding a person fully requires knowledge of all four aspects—body, mind, soul, and spirit—that represent the individual. A logical mind isn’t enough to fully comprehend a person; you also need to use your basic instincts, intelligence, intuition, and experience. Then you can use your intuition to get a complete picture of the person and know what they really think. What is still a mystery about a person can be discovered once you have an understanding of their thoughts and soul.

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